National salad chain, sweetgreen, went seed oil free for a few months before reverting to sunflower oil.
Restaurants near Colchester, UK
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Restaurants and their cooking oils
35 restaurants with cooking oil info found within 50 miles of Colchester, UK. View places to buy raw milk below.
- Five GuysPeanut OilChainGreytown House
Colchester, England
UK CO1 1YJView Five Guys's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Colchester, England by tapping into their profile page.
- Ugo's Pizza BarReal ButterOlive Oil29-35 Broadway West
Leigh-on-Sea, England
UK SS9 2BZFrom the owner: This is my wood fired pizza restaurant. We have been open nearly 29 years. We have been pizza only since covid. Before I was awake we used to fry chips in rapeseed oil. I sold all my fryers and changed the menu. We ONLY use extra virgin olive oil. Real butter for our garlic butter. The vegan butter is Flora. That's it - our food is simple high end ingredients and if you're not vegan then it's 100% seed oil free. Our pizzas are beautiful.View Ugo's Pizza Bar's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Leigh-on-Sea, England by tapping into their profile page.
- Flat Iron CambridgeBeef TallowReal ButterGhee23 Market Passage
Cambridge, England
UK CB2 3PAView Flat Iron Cambridge's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Cambridge, England by tapping into their profile page.
- sear.Beef TallowReal ButterGheeOlive Oil100% Seed Oil FreeHackney Bridge, Echo Building, E Bay Lane
London, England
UK E15 2SJRestaurant quality, reimagined for street food.
⁃ Sustainable free range & grass-fed meat sourced from Bell & Sons in Bermondsey
⁃ Proper traditional beef dripping chips
⁃ Buttery flatbreads
⁃ Real beef bone marrow gravy
⁃ No seed oils, EVER!
View sear.'s location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in London, England by tapping into their profile page.
- Bun & SumBeef Tallow4 Priory Street
London, England
UK E3View Bun & Sum's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in London, England by tapping into their profile page.
- Terra RossaOlive Oil139 Upper Street
London, England
UK N1 1QPCommunity report: Wonderful Italian pizza restaurant in Upper StreetView Terra Rossa's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in London, England by tapping into their profile page.
- Duck FritesDuck FatMaltby Street Market
London, England
UK SE1View Duck Frites's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in London, England by tapping into their profile page.
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