Select Oils
Seed Oil Free
Showing all seed oil free restaurants in the database

Seed Oil Free Restaurants 3D Globe

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Green dots are 100% seed oil free listings, blue dots are restaurants using one of the select oils, and orange dots are chains using select oils. Zoom in and quickly double-tap somewhere on the globe to view listings or search restaurants and view global map

tip jar is crowdsourced.

Free, no paywalls or subscriptions.

Keep this project going and growing.

Restaurants filtered by cooking oil

Local Fats is a community-driven database and searchable map dedicated to informing consumers which cooking oils are used to prepare food at restaurants worldwide.

We want to know which restaurants are intentionally selecting cooking oils that go beyond the norm for nutritional, culinary or cultural purposes.

Supported cooking oils:

  • Beef Tallow
  • Olive Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Pork Lard
  • Real Butter
  • Dairy Ghee
  • Duck Fat
  • Avocado Oil
  • Peanut Oil

Not supported:

  • Seed oils (canola, soy, etc)
  • Bioengineered oils ("cultured" oil)

How to find seed oil free restaurants

Use the seed oil free restaurant finder to find restaurants near you, explore the global restaurant map, or browse the restaurant directory

or use your device location
Restaurants Near Me

There are filtered maps for beef tallow, olive oil, coconut oil, pork lard, real butter, real ghee, duck fat, avocado oil, peanut oil and 100% seed oil free restaurants.

There is also a map for cooking oil producers.

Put some restaurants in your social media feed and go follow restaurants on Facebook, restaurants on Instagram and restaurants on YouTube.

Ways to support Local Fats

Share the website, help others find good places to eat, add a restaurant to the map and let me know if information needs to be updated.

Buy me a plate. The tip jar is ready to go and I am shaking it. Leave a tip securely with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and credit card.

Buy a raw milk shirt and wear the message.

Read how to Support

Find raw milk worldwide

Want to get raw milk direct from the farm? Check out for global raw milk sources. You can also browse raw milk by species: cow, goat, sheep, donkey, camel, buffalo, and a2 protein.


Database updated daily. is free and always will be, but I need your help.

Keep this project going and growing:

Give securely with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and credit card.

Local Fats
Find restaurants by cooking oil
milk bottle
milk bottle
milk bottle
dancing cow

Digital aurochs from Jonhangel

Made in Seattle 🇺🇸
2018-2025 |
Inland Applications