National salad chain, sweetgreen, went seed oil free for a few months before reverting to sunflower oil.
Restaurants near Rapid City, SD
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Restaurants and their cooking oils
44 restaurants with cooking oil info found within 300 miles of Rapid City, SD. View places to buy raw milk below.
- Buffalo Wild WingsBeef TallowChain715 Mountain View Rd
Rapid City, SD
US 57702-2503View allergen guides for Buffalo Wild Wings USA and Canada.
View Buffalo Wild Wings's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Rapid City, SD by tapping into their profile page.
- Outback SteakhouseBeef TallowChain665 E Disk Dr
Rapid City, SD
US 57701View Outback Steakhouse's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Rapid City, SD by tapping into their profile page.
- Five GuysPeanut OilChain1329 Eglin St #100
Rapid City, SD
US 57701View Five Guys's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Rapid City, SD by tapping into their profile page.
- Buffalo DreamerGheeOlive OilCoconut Oil100% Seed Oil Free1829 Minnekahta Avenue
Hot Springs, SD
US 57747Guests must be 18+ due to our location on the site of a natural mineral spa.
View Buffalo Dreamer's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Hot Springs, SD by tapping into their profile page.
- The Wagon BoxBeef Tallow103 N Piney Rd
Story, WY
US 82842View The Wagon Box's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Story, WY by tapping into their profile page.
- 1 CowBeef Tallow304 US Highway 16
Ten Sleep, WY
US 82442Restaurant and coffee shop in Ten Sleep. For coffee we offer lattes, Americanos, Cappuccinos. For food 1 Cow offers burritos and burgers using locally raised grass finished, regenerative beef.View 1 Cow's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Ten Sleep, WY by tapping into their profile page.
- Fireflour Pizzeria & Coffee BarOlive Oil100% Seed Oil Free111 North 5th Street
Bismarck, ND
US 58501View Fireflour Pizzeria & Coffee Bar's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Bismarck, ND by tapping into their profile page.
- Scotty's Drive-InBeef Tallow210 N 21st St
Bismarck, ND
US 58501View Scotty's Drive-In's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Bismarck, ND by tapping into their profile page.
- Legacy Butcher and Burger CompanyBeef Tallow1001 Sheridan Avenue
Cody, WY
US 82414View Legacy Butcher and Burger Company's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Cody, WY by tapping into their profile page.
- Just BE KitchenOlive OilCoconut OilAvocado Oil100% Seed Oil Free2500 30th St
Boulder, CO
US 80301View Just BE Kitchen's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Boulder, CO by tapping into their profile page.
- Wild Pastures Burger CompanyBeef TallowOlive OilAvocado Oil100% Seed Oil Free2805 Pearl St, SUITE 5B
Boulder, CO
US 80301-1129A 100% grass fed burger restaurant. All sauces are house made with avocado and olive oils. The French fries are made with organic potatoes and cooked in 100% grass fed beef tallow. There is also no refined sugar or GMOs in the restaurant.View Wild Pastures Burger Company's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Boulder, CO by tapping into their profile page.
- The Buff RestaurantBeef TallowReal ButterAvocado Oil100% Seed Oil Free2600 Canyon Blvd
Boulder, CO
US 80302A Boulder breakfast and brunch institution, locally owned and operated for 30 years. We are committed to being a seed oil free restaurant with a delicious menu and incredible drinks. Come visit!View The Buff Restaurant's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Boulder, CO by tapping into their profile page.
- sweetgreenOlive OilChain1601 Pearl St
Boulder, CO
US 80302Locavore-friendly counter-serve chain specializing in organic salads & bowls. View sweetgreen's ingredient lists.
View sweetgreen's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Boulder, CO by tapping into their profile page.
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Bad day for bug oil. Zero Acre Farm’s GMO Cultured Oil loses the vote in favor of beef tallow.
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