National salad chain, sweetgreen, went seed oil free for a few months before reverting to sunflower oil.
Restaurants near Monona, WI
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Restaurants and their cooking oils
78 restaurants with cooking oil info found within 100 miles of Monona, WI. Top 50 nearest listings:
- Buffalo Wild WingsBeef TallowChain6544 Monona Dr
Monona, WI
US 53716View allergen guides for Buffalo Wild Wings USA and Canada.
View Buffalo Wild Wings's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Monona, WI by tapping into their profile page.
- sweetgreenOlive OilChain652 State Street
Madison, WI
US 53703Locavore-friendly counter-serve chain specializing in organic salads & bowls. View sweetgreen's ingredient lists.
View sweetgreen's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Madison, WI by tapping into their profile page.
- Five GuysPeanut OilChain2253 Zeier Rd
Madison, WI
US 53704View Five Guys's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Madison, WI by tapping into their profile page.
- Outback SteakhouseBeef TallowChain279 Junction Rd
Madison, WI
US 53717View Outback Steakhouse's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Madison, WI by tapping into their profile page.
- Wedl's Hamburger StandPork Lard200 East Racine Street
Jefferson, WI
US 53549Over a century old burger stand we cook burgers in Lard on a cast iron griddle. **other foods may be cooked in other oil**View Wedl's Hamburger Stand's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Jefferson, WI by tapping into their profile page.
- Flat Iron TapBeef Tallow150 Center St
Lake Geneva, WI
US 53147-2007View Flat Iron Tap's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Lake Geneva, WI by tapping into their profile page.
- El CochinoPork Lard100% Seed Oil Free4580 W Algonquin Rd
Lake in the Hills, IL
US 60156-6721Awesome innovative tacos, salsas, cocktails, and tempura fried items, in a really cool setting, playing rock and roll music!View El Cochino's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Lake in the Hills, IL by tapping into their profile page.
- Fry the CoopBeef Tallow580 N Milwaukee Ave
Prospect Heights, IL
US 60070-2355View Fry the Coop's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Prospect Heights, IL by tapping into their profile page.
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