National salad chain, sweetgreen, went seed oil free for a few months before reverting to sunflower oil.
Restaurants near Harrisburg, PA
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Restaurants and their cooking oils
33 restaurants with cooking oil info found within 50 miles of Harrisburg, PA. View places to buy raw milk below.
- Outback SteakhouseBeef TallowChain1201 Lower Allen Dr
Camp Hill, PA
US 17011View Outback Steakhouse's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Camp Hill, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- Five GuysPeanut OilChain4635 High Pointe Blvd #75
Harrisburg, PA
US 17111View Five Guys's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Harrisburg, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- Smoke & Pickles Artisan Butcher ShopBeef Tallow30 South Market Street
Mechanicsburg, PA
US 17055Smoke & Pickles Artisan Butcher Shop has a vision for Mechanicsburg and all of Cumberland County – to revive the cozy, reputable neighborhood butcher shop– meeting all the traditional standards of the past while breathing a modern, creative new life into the locally sourced food movement.View Smoke & Pickles Artisan Butcher Shop's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Mechanicsburg, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- Café BrugesBeef Tallow16 N Pitt St
Carlisle, PA
US 17013-2944View Café Bruges's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Carlisle, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- Buffalo Wild Wings - Town Center DrBeef TallowChain320 Town Center Dr
York, PA
US 17408View allergen guides for Buffalo Wild Wings USA and Canada.
View Buffalo Wild Wings - Town Center Dr's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in York, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- Old Trail Tavern + SteakBeef Tallow120 Old Trail Rd
Liverpool, PA
US 17045-9131Conveniently located along Routes 11/15 on the Susquehanna River, Old Trail Tavern + Steak features premium steak and handcrafted cocktails in a cozy, rustic atmosphere. Come as you are!View Old Trail Tavern + Steak's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Liverpool, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- John J Jeffries RestaurantBeef TallowPork LardReal ButterDuck FatOlive Oil100% Seed Oil Free300 Harrisburg Ave
Lancaster, PA
US 17603Community report: 100% seed oil free. Nose to tail. In writing on the menu.View John J Jeffries Restaurant's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Lancaster, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- CabalarBeef Tallow325 N Queen St
Lancaster, PA
US 17603View Cabalar's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Lancaster, PA by tapping into their profile page.
- Lotus Bowls & Juicery100% Seed Oil Free83 S Main St
Chambersburg, PA
US 17201-2237View Lotus Bowls & Juicery's location, social media, contact info, product list, and all other info added to the map in Chambersburg, PA by tapping into their profile page.
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